
Showing posts from August, 2018

The Last Flame

I was observing the candle for quite some time. Something in me got lighted up when I observed the candle. It provoked so many thoughts in my mind. But one particular thought struck me. The thought was haunting me. It was a doubt but could not be answered. The candle was melting away, soon it will melt away completely. The candle was nearing its end, its death. But what about the flame? Does it have an end? The last flame? Before lighting the candle, there was only the candle, no flame. The very purpose of the candle is to be lighted. By lighting the candle, time starts for the candle. It gets melted away to its end. But by not lighting the candle, the candle will not be able to fulfil its destined purpose. Should the candle be lighted and meet its death or should it not get lighted and live much time? I think we are like the candles. We could either choose to get light up, that is to live our destined purpose or to not get lighted up, to live many years inertly. I think we sho...


Death is not an end. Death is like an act of life which makes something ceases to be. When we say, "ceases to be," we denote about the perishment of the unity of something. The modern science differetiates things as living and non-living. We commonly refer as happening death to living things. When living becomes non-living, we say the living thing is dead. But we also say, death to planets, stars, etc. It refers about the destruction of planets and stars. We link death to destruction. The real question is; is death really destruction? To find that, we need to understand what destruction is. Destruction is a word which denotes the complete perishing of something to make it non-existent. The word, "non-existent" should be specially noted. Destruction denotes the complete annihilation of something from existence itself. But existence is a metaphysical thing. It is beyond the realm of our understanding. It could not be limited to our five senses understanding....

Time: a measurement or a dimension?

Time is a part of human life. Everything that we do is according to the law of time. When I say the law of time, I denote about the inseparable association of time and human life. It seems like the human life is governed by time. Time is always moving forward. There is past, present and the future. Scientists say this as the arrow of time. Time starts when the universe began with the big bang and then continues and dissipates at the end. Although we cannot see or feel time, this invisible phenomenon called time is always measured. We even create rythm to our life from this random world by coordinating with time. Time is a measurement. A measurement of change or moments. In 1905, Einstein proposed the special theory of relativity. From this theory, a new concept of space and time was introduced. Based on this theory, a geometric interpretation that fused time and the three spatial dimensions of space into a single four-dimensional continuum was presented. Time is considered as...

My heart and the amulet.

I wear an amulet around my neck. An amulet called "Linga Bhairavi." I bought it from Isha shoppe, a shop which sells energized amulets. When we suspend it with a thread, we can see that it vibrates, and after some time it will begin to rotate. It is said that the amulet is consecrated, that is, it is energized. For some time I haven't worn it, but now I wear it around my neck. Even though there are some incomprehensible theories associated with the amulet which cannot be understood by simple logic, I just wear it as part of symbolising the survival of my heart. Linga Bhairavi: As dark as the darkest eyes, a pair of glowing eyes that penetrate deep into the recess of your heart, a gloriously sparkling third eye that perceives a dimension beyond the physical, graciously giving arms that bestow infinite grace to all in need, a pure gold saree that reflects her grandeur-Linga Bhairavi is the most exuberant expression of the divine feminine residing in a triangular-shap...