Time: a measurement or a dimension?

Time is a part of human life. Everything that we do is according to the law of time. When I say the law of time, I denote about the inseparable association of time and human life. It seems like the human life is governed by time.

Time is always moving forward. There is past, present and the future. Scientists say this as the arrow of time. Time starts when the universe began with the big bang and then continues and dissipates at the end. Although we cannot see or feel time, this invisible phenomenon called time is always measured. We even create rythm to our life from this random world by coordinating with time. Time is a measurement. A measurement of change or moments.

In 1905, Einstein proposed the special theory of relativity. From this theory, a new concept of space and time was introduced. Based on this theory, a geometric interpretation that fused time and the three spatial dimensions of space into a single four-dimensional continuum was presented. Time is considered as a fourth dimension interwoven with space. Therefore, time cannot be separated from us.

Time, as we consider it, is just about measuring moments, our past, present and future. In science it is considered as another dimension. How will you consider time? A measurement or a dimension?


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