The Last Flame

I was observing the candle for quite some time. Something in me got lighted up when I observed the candle. It provoked so many thoughts in my mind. But one particular thought struck me. The thought was haunting me. It was a doubt but could not be answered. The candle was melting away, soon it will melt away completely. The candle was nearing its end, its death. But what about the flame? Does it have an end? The last flame?

Before lighting the candle, there was only the candle, no flame. The very purpose of the candle is to be lighted. By lighting the candle, time starts for the candle. It gets melted away to its end. But by not lighting the candle, the candle will not be able to fulfil its destined purpose. Should the candle be lighted and meet its death or should it not get lighted and live much time?

I think we are like the candles. We could either choose to get light up, that is to live our destined purpose or to not get lighted up, to live many years inertly. I think we should get lighted up, melt away and meet our end. The flame that lights up everywhere, that makes the candle melt, is the same from the beginning to the end. The flame is the same. When the candle meet its end, what about the flame? Does it have an end? The last flame?

Another candle is lighted, but the flame is the same. Maybe the flame is the real candle.


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