My heart and the amulet.

I wear an amulet around my neck. An amulet called "Linga Bhairavi." I bought it from Isha shoppe, a shop which sells energized amulets. When we suspend it with a thread, we can see that it vibrates, and after some time it will begin to rotate. It is said that the amulet is consecrated, that is, it is energized. For some time I haven't worn it, but now I wear it around my neck. Even though there are some incomprehensible theories associated with the amulet which cannot be understood by simple logic, I just wear it as part of symbolising the survival of my heart.

Linga Bhairavi: As dark as the darkest eyes, a pair of glowing eyes that penetrate deep into the recess of your heart, a gloriously sparkling third eye that perceives a dimension beyond the physical, graciously giving arms that bestow infinite grace to all in need, a pure gold saree that reflects her grandeur-Linga Bhairavi is the most exuberant expression of the divine feminine residing in a triangular-shaped abode at the Velliangiri foothills(

Linga Bhairavi is an eight foot tall Devi, in the form of linga, and was consecrated by Sadhguru as a powerful energy form with a solidified mercury core. It is situated in temples in the Velliangiri Mountains near Coimbatore and in Salem, Tamil Nadu.

I believe, there are two kinds of survival in our journey of life, the physical survival and the survival of the heart. The physical survival is just the acquisition of the material needs, and the heart's survival is the fulfillment of our heart's needs. That is, love, happiness, etc. People give so much importance to the physical survival while, they don't give any such importance to the heart's survival. Some people are not even aware of the importance of heart's survival. In our heart, we feel both elevated as well as depleted. Moving from this depleted being to the elevated being is what it means to survive the heart. The amulet which I wore is a reminder of the survival of heart. When we chase for our material needs, we usually forget about our heart. This amulet constantly reminds me of the importance of my heart every time. It reminds me to tie my heart to myself.

Our heart gets depleted only because we get trapped in the illusory powers of the world. When I say illusory powers, I am pointing to us over-indulging in the material world. That is, overthinking, extreme emotional attachment to physical things, including our loved ones. This physical world of us, is not permanent, it could go in whatever way it desires, it is beyond our control. So, attaching our heart to these temporary materials could make our heart end up in despair. We might not understand this trap until we get trapped.

Understanding love, I believe, is the solution for the heart, to make it tied to us. Loving ourselves comes first, and then it will automatically expand to the whole world. When I wore the amulet around my neck, I feel as if my heart is still with me and that made me inseparable from the amulet.


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