Understanding, The Will To Protect.

Every living being which exists in this world have their own distinct journey of life and a way to survive in that journey. Just a mere survival of fulfilling the worldly needs is not all I think since there is an existence of survival in our own self,in our heart. So fulfilling the needs of the heart is also a part of survival. In our heart we feel both elevated as well as depleted. Moving from this depleted being to the elevated being is what it means to survive. People sometimes feel elevated and sometimes feel depleted according to the situation which surrounds them. When love prevails around us we become the most elevated self and when we feel hurt inside we become a depleted self. If the agony in heart is left untreated it turns itself into hatred in our heart. So survival of the heart is a fight between love and hatred.

As we are living, we must also be prepared to endure the pain which is inflicted upon us by the obstacles which we face when we journey through our life. Life as we know it contains contradictory factors, pain and pleasure, love and hatred, living and dying. However we can't say these as contradictory since these are all a necessary part of life. If we are counting love then we must also bear the burden of hatred. In fact enduring pain and moving forward still protecting love in our heart is what it means to win the war of love and hatred. Everyone have a certain values or rules that determine his actions which he hold unto himself. As he learn more from life, his value changes, he changes, and this is called as living. For this is what why we people need to help others, to help others to find their value of living, and if everyone takes care of each other, everyone will become one bonded by love. Taking care of each other and seeing the importance of that in one's life is what it is to carry the Will To Protect. Never giving up on loving is my Will To Protect. Find out what yours will be?


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