My Only Accomplishment: Being a Vegetarian

I am an anime watcher. Animes are Japanese-style animated film or television entertainment. Anime pulls me off, of the edge of my emotions. Naruto, Death Note, Dragonball Z etc. are some of the famous animes that I've watched. Animes made me into someone other than what I've identified as myself. I now look back to my past just to find out how much that I've changed. It boggles my mind to think the tremendous changes that I've been through. The cause for these massive changes of mine are animes. Anime puts people's mind into a different dimension and gets into as far as the roots of an individual's identity. The foundation of an individual's identity is his/her experiences. The life experiences of a person determines who he/she is. Anime dives into our pool of experiences, creates ripples which completely changes the way the pool behaves. It is said that what one is doesn't change but who one is always changes.

When I think about an anime which made an instant transformation in me, "Attack on Titans" comes first to my mind. I watched it and became vegetarian! Well, that wasn't expected, but it happened. After watching the anime I became a complete vegetarian. That is the kind of power that anime possesses in the life of an anime watcher. It was a surprise for me too for how a full-fledged non-vegetarian like me became a hard-core vegetarian. Meat doesn't attract me now. It doesn't play any part in my eating habits. It is hard for people to become vegetarian as I've noticed, but it is not quite so. It is simple. All we need is food that tastes good. It doesn't have to be meat. Find out some vegetarian food that satisfies your taste buds. Then it would be quite simple to abandon meat from your food life. At least it worked for me!

"Attack on Titans" is an anime which revolves around a teenage boy who has a big ambition to explore what is called the outer world for him. The teen is living in a society of very few people  inside three massive walls that was created for the purpose of protection against some specific predators. These specific predators are called the 'Titans'. Titans are big human-like beings who lives freely around the world and eats human beings even though it is not a necessity for them. They get their energy directly from sunlight. However, just for fun they eat humans. The teenage boy who is the main character of the story joins the elite army which fights against the Titans. He chose to join the army to relinquish all the Titans in the world. This was his big ambition. He justifies the perspective of the people. The Titans are also part of the world. If they preys human beings, then it means it is the way the titans are wired. Justification is a big word in this case and should be critically analysed to understand in which way the word points to, the humans or the Titans. Lets come back to our real world. Human beings plays the part of the Titans and animals stand in the position of human beings of the Titan world. Now consider this, what if a biological being more intelligent than human beings comes to earth like an alien. They then starts to eat humans. Human beings perishes and build walls or find someway to survive from the highly intelligent beings. The case of the Titan world becomes a reality to this world. Well, this could happen in future. Then emotional justification arises in the minds of people. They then tries to find ways to eliminate these highly intelligent beings and begins to justify their cause. If this happens to us, in what base could we justify our cause for what we did to the less-intelligent animals is the same thing.

This is what made an instant transformation in me. What justification can I rely on if the situation of animals happen to me. This thought made me into a vegetarian. I am not telling that it is wrong to eat animals, but it is wrong to eat animals for luxury. For a person to survive it is okay and is the right thing to kill and eat. But when it comes to the massacre of animals, it becomes a mistake from the part of people. Anyway there is no good or bad in any cases, however, in future if I happen to experience the victim situation of the animals, I just need a justification to fight and survive and to protect my family. This is why I became a vegetarian. The only accomplishment of the 22 years of my life: being a vegetarian!      


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