I am an Indian.

I am an Indian who wasn't truly aware of how blessed I was until I began to  know more about the world. Now I am questioning myself why I am being so much blessed by God. Here I am living,complaining all day, complaining about water not coming out of taps, complaining about not getting enough food, complaining about not getting enough marks in exams while in other parts of the world, people are striving to get at least one cup of water a day. I am now aware that children are dying of hunger, children are dying of useless wars, children who doesn't know their parents are still living in the hope of love and I was a child who got everything more than enough and still complain about getting more. All that love I am getting..........my family, my friends.......I am not going to waste that, I am going to love the world and I am going to show the world that taking care of each other is the only solution for making the world a better place to live in. Giving a helping hand to the poor, the deprived ones, the victims of war, and all those who are in need of love, I am going to love them, show them what love is, show the rest of the world that no one should ever give up on love.


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