
Showing posts from September, 2018

Simply sit!

They both took the same path to reach the destination. One guy, eager to get to the destination, ran. The other guy, however, walked, enjoying the views. The first guy reached the destination fast and unaware of what to do next waited for the other guy to come. The other guy came dancing to the destination. "What do I do next?" the first guy asked. "What do you want to do?" the second guy replied asking a question. "I don't know, I've reached the destination." "Then just simply sit" "Simply sit? What do you mean?" "I mean what I said. Simply sit" "I can't. I want to do something." "For what." "I don't know. To accomplish something." "You've already accomplished. You've reached the destination." "Yeah. But I am not satisfied." "It's because you were fast that you missed the point of the journey. It is to enjoy the views. And n...

Natural Filtration

The process is vast.  It is so massive and unpredictable that we cannot spot its steps. Yet it journey's through our own thoughts and decisions. Those who live truthful remains successful. It is a devastating process. It is so devastating that we almost get destroyed in the process. If we could know the process prior to its accomplishment then we probably would give up. But we could understand the process only after surviving it. The process filters everything around us. People, places, actions, ideas, concepts, beliefs, everything. It filters everything around us and the remaining would be the genuine remnants of our life. This is natural filtration.

The seat of fragrance

You are the seat of fragrance. The fragrance is what you wish for and yet you fly around everywhere to discover the seat of fragrance. Like the musk deer. You will get stumbled upon things that you consider where the fragrance comes from. You name it and give a form to it, and you consider it to be the seat of fragrance. But you have to understand that you yourself gave the fragrance to the name and the form. The truth is, you are the seat of fragrance.

The river that becomes you

There is an endless reverberation to the river water that flows. The ruffling sound of the river water seems chaotic yet it's rhythmic. But what's the magic of the ruffling sound? It speaks a language of its own. If we can listen, it speaks to us. When you take attention into listening to the river, the river speaks the language of the Gods. Or it seems. It takes you into the realm of the unknown. The realm where the human intellect cannot penetrate. A realm when touched, does not want to let go off. Then, know that the river becomes you. 

How to win the war.

A war is waged to acquire something, its purpose. If the war is rightly waged, then it's half the winning chance. It is half the chance of victory only in the outer world. If we can turn inward into ourselves, the inner world, the dwelling place within us, if there's a war, it's not half to victory and half to failure. It's a hundred per cent chance of victory. Win the war, where it is not a chance for failure, then victory will also be yours, where there are chances for both victory and failure. 

Are you blissed-out?

Some need drugs. Some need alcohol. Some need sex. Some need television.  Some need work and for me, it is music that makes me blissed-out. Nothing other than music could make me blissful. I was wondering why this happens to me and these to other people. When I listen to music, I get completely immersed in it. I lose everything. I lose me. Drugs, alcohol, sex etc. all makes people lose themselves. I think this is the alchemy to get blissed-out.

No need to go anywhere

"I've discovered a gold mine," I said, "and I am going there right away." "Why are you going there?" he asked. "I've found a gold mine." "I mean what are you going to do with the gold mine?" "I am going to make money with the gold." "How?" "I will extract the gold and purify it, remove the impurities, process it and make pure gold out of it. Then I sell it, maybe even make ornaments out of it." "My son, if you know this much about turning mine into money, then no need to go anywhere because understand that you yourself is the Gold Mine."

Yes or No?

There is a letter for you. In the letter are full of statements. You are asked to either agree or disagree with each of the statements. If you agree, it's Yes and if you don't, it's No. If you say yes or no, then it becomes your problem. The statements become your concern. You get identified with the statements. I say renounce both, yes or no. So we become untouched. By the way, no need to agree or disagree with this.

The first and the last

There are two stones, or two flowers, or two roads, or two processes or anything two. If you choose one of the two, then consider that one will be pleasurable the first and disastrous at the last. The other one will be disastrous first and pleasurable at the last. Which one would you choose? If we choose any of the two, it doesn't matter. Let's be equanimous. Equanimous to the first and the last. 


The desert is arid. The sands of the desert are radiating and reflecting heat. The waves of the heat are dancing all around the atmosphere. Not even a single sign of life is seen. I know that I am stranded in this desert. Miles and miles of pure golden sand are stretched across in front of me. The last drop of water that I had had already finished an hour ago. With this scorching heat, I know that I will only live for minutes. I am getting thirsty and if I am not able to find water soon, then it's over for me. I came to the end of my last bit of potential. I see, forward of me, a pool of water. The unknown joy hidden inside of me came to the surface. I came to the pool, sat on my knees on the bank. I took the water on my palms. But it was just a heap of sand. Then there was another pool, right in front of me. I came to the pool. Again a heap of sand. I fell down on to the sand. Before I closed my eyes, I saw another pool. "A mirage," I thought and closed my eyes....

Tears of Ecstasy

"I am ecstatic" "Ecstatic?" she asked. "Yeah ecstatic. Simply ecstatic." "I don't understand" she said. "Tears of Ecstasy, don't you know?" I asked. "No" her answer came fast. I became perplexed and sat in contemplation. I reminisced about 'tears of ecstasy' that happened. The love made me ecstatic. When I love, I lose. I lose the questions, the answers, the things, the world and even myself. I lose everything and tears of ecstasy happen. "What is love? Why tears of ecstasy?" I asked to myself. I don't know. It just happen. I think some things should rather be experienced than questioned.

Life; the Play

The waves were gently touching the shore. He could hear the waves that were flowing through the sand. It was gentle, soothing and in rhythm. "The waves are in rhythm," he thought. His mind was blank and numb. He was lying down on the seashore, staring at the cloudless sky. He couldn't perceive anything. "No one, no one, no one" kept resonating in his ears. "Let me die." "How?" "Let the waves take me away," he thought He sat down, glared at the sea. It was gentle. "The waves are in rhythm," he thought. "Even the waves are in rhythm, what about life? Life is in rhythm too. It must be a play and I've got a role to play." He went back home.   


It was a night of February 14th, the valentines day. I was waiting for a friend at the church. I was sitting under the tree and was thinking of my college friends, how they were all talking about their love stories. It was sad for me but I didn't express it. All I could think back to my story was of rejection. It is the most remorseful situation of my life. I was thinking that it was better to have break-up relationship than to have rejection. At least we could know that we were loved at some point in life. I felt heaviness in my heart and sitting under the tree inside the church compound, I prayed to God, "Please God, show me the love of my life this night itself, Please." After that, I walked around the church a few times to see if there is some girl watching me or if there is someone that I know of. Unfortunately, no one was there that I could get a glimpse of. I thought how foolish of me to think like that. Just then my friend arrived and we walked around the churc...