
Showing posts from April, 2017

The Bhagavad Gita

“The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity.”  ―  Aldous Huxley When I was a 13 year old kid my father put a book called "Unlimited Power" in my hands and said, 'take this as your Bible'. I asked him how this book is important as the Bible. He said that, 'people learn Bible in order to become better than they already are, that is to grow. This book also does the same thing, develop you. The difference is only in the approach. The Bible takes God, morals, values, duties, punishment etc. as its approach while this book "Unlimited Power" uses the way of science and research'. So ever since then I began to read personality development and self-improvement books. I have found out various ways and methods to develop myself...

My Only Accomplishment: Being a Vegetarian

I am an anime watcher. Animes are Japanese-style animated film or television entertainment. Anime pulls me off, of the edge of my emotions. Naruto, Death Note, Dragonball Z etc. are some of the famous animes that I've watched. Animes made me into someone other than what I've identified as myself. I now look back to my past just to find out how much that I've changed. It boggles my mind to think the tremendous changes that I've been through. The cause for these massive changes of mine are animes. Anime puts people's mind into a different dimension and gets into as far as the roots of an individual's identity. The foundation of an individual's identity is his/her experiences. The life experiences of a person determines who he/she is. Anime dives into our pool of experiences, creates ripples which completely changes the way the pool behaves. It is said that what one is doesn't change but who one is always changes. When I think about an a...