
Why should I sacrifice? I sacrifice everything because I already have everything......and my everything is my mother

I have been thinking for a long time about what is right and what is wrong, how I can differentiate between right and wrong. I knew that what was right is love but I didn't know what I do is against love or not. But today I found out the answer. To do what is right is to understand your mother,what your mother does for you, how she does that for you and it is just pure love and sacrifice.

My dream is to become the U.N. Secretary General to help, serve and protect the people of the whole world but this task is very hard to achieve and I was confused for why I should love and protect people from where no love I will get back, instead may be I will be risking my own life for that. I understand this karma is a real sacrifice. So why should I do this karma? Why should I sacrifice? The answer to these difficult questions is my mother.

I know my mother will die for me, yet hoping nothing in return and this is what I understood from my mother. This is pure love in action.This is what my karma is because I know I have everything and that everything is my mother and the love which I inherited from her.



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