Yeshua, My Predecessor.

I feel like I am the most blessed person in this whole world. No matter what misfortune came into my life it just magically vanish away. I felt pain, I felt the pain of losing myself and I also felt the pain of committing a sin, but in however way it ends, every misfortune became a fortunate method of life for making me understand what love is. I wasn't truly punished for the sins that I have done. This realization made me contemplate about what my life's real purpose is and about why I am being so much blessed. Quite recently I find the answer to the latter question. It was my predecessor, it was my predecessor's blessings, it was he who looked after me all this time, constantly speaking to me about truth deep down from my heart. I see him now, I love him now, my predecessor Yeshua. "Love one another as I have loved you," this was his teaching to us, this was his expectation of us, for he is constantly believing that we can truly love our enemy. He bore our...