
It is impossible to take away music from our lives. Music has always been the part of human lives. It is very difficult to find the exact time of the origin of music. Music was with humans from time immemorial onwards. It started as folk songs and then advanced into many types. What is music? And what is music to us? Perhaps these are the two most important questions which we all thought about. The first question resembles a scientific inquiry, which is objective while the second one is perfectly subjective. In this article, I am just trying to answer these questions. What is Music? Let us see some definitions about music. According to "The American Heritage Dictionary (Second College Edition)" music is "The art of organizing tones in a coherent sequence so as to produce a unified and continuous composition" Larry Austin (composer) defined music as "Music is wanted sound." Another definition of music, defined by Eliott Schwartz is, "Music i...